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    IME 5.0

    In production, everything begins with technology—without it, production is impossible.

    The capabilities of a production system are determined by the technology it employs.

    IME 5.0 serves as a powerful tool for mapping production potential by seamlessly connecting machines, equipment, and personnel, all while accounting for how these resources are intended to be utilized within the production process.

    What is IME?

    IME 5.0 integrates the components of production and technology into a cohesive whole while offering a sufficiently detailed perspective tailored to the needs of every department.

    The foundation lies in the technological route of the products, defined by terms such ass:

    * the product, * configuration, * processes, * instructions, * tasks, * selectors, * conditions, * specifications, * resources etc.

    The more detailed the product’s production technology is described, the more precisely we can assess production potentialities and demands. In the case of a large production portfolio and complex products and production process, the need for detailed data can instead become a concern of the system – the constant addition and modernization of technological data is, as a rule, a manual, labor-intensive and error-prone activity. Special solutions have been created in the IME software to avoid such situations, where the management of technological data is carried out by applying product templates and configurable specifications describing the product. Based on this data, IME system assembles automatically the product’s production route.

    Adding a new product, acquiring or replacing a production machine and other activities that require large-scale changes in the technology of products are easy, convenient and fast for technologists – the entire detailed production route, calculation of standards, cost calculations are automatically generated by IME for all products related to the change.

    In addition, it is possible to link the data with different relevant documents (such as product drawings, work – and user manuals, internal guidelines, safety techniques etc.).

    The data stored in IME 5.0 is available to all systems that are used by the company.

    Why IME?

    In order to make the company truly effective we need in addition to manufacturing also to optimize all the non-manufacturing functions where mainly during information processing a lot of resources of the company are lost. All that we gain with big efforts in the manufacturing we may lose easily while processing information. Measurable wastage is only the top of the iceberg. The main damage is caused by wasted sales opportunities and the loss of trust.

    In order to avoid such losses, the manufacturing, sales and supportive functions of manufacturing need to be made to interact in real-time, so that all supply chain participants would be changing information automatically.

    If the company has set the target to make the existing supply chain more effective, it makes sense to use IME software before starting the development, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings with too simplified and one-sided technology in the future.

    Digital Foundation of Production

    Describing production routes.
    Defining the work processes necessary to produce the product, together with the material inputs and outputs characterizing each stage. By linking processes, you can create a product process tree with branching and converging branches. Using IME production routing logic, even very complex products can be described without using intermediate stages of semi-finished products.
    Specification management.
    Specifications allow the creation of data entities describing properties, potentialities, conditions, which characterize important aspects related to production activities: article, process, production instructions, selectors, resource, order, customer, etc.
    Configuration of products.
    The production route can also be described for an entire product family. By associating product-specific specifications with a route, IME automatically generates its own route for each configured unique product, without the user having to handle it each time.
    Normative production times.
    Normative production times, i.e. the resource requirement in the production of a product, can be defined in general terms directly for the resource and/or in detail for each user instruction separately. In both cases, formulas can be applied that calculate their normative time for the workflow depending on the specifications associated with the product or order. When adding or configuring a new product, it is not necessary to recalculate the normative every time, they are generated automatically.
    Setting standards on BOM quantities.
    Quantitative standards, i.e. the need for the use of materials, are described at the level of input instructions, and when creating them also formulas that calculate the BOM quantities for a specific product configuration can be used. When adding or configuring a new product, it is not necessary to recalculate the norms every time, they are generated automatically.
    Validation of resources.
    To carry out a production process, it is often possible to use several alternative devices and machines in the company, which were acquired at different times and differ technologically. For example, one lathe can process a larger workpiece than another. When creating a production route for a configured product, the allowed specifications for the resource are checked, and only those machines that have the capabilities of the specific product are automatically described in the route.
    Planned cost price.
    Based on the production route drawn up for the product, the cost price of the product is automatically calculated, taking into account the use of resources in accordance with the norms, the cost of input materials and the prices of by-products generated during production.